Todas las publicaciones de Gian Piero Gasperini en WhoScored Artículos RSS

Team Focus: Gasperini Has Versatile Genoa Dreaming of Europe

Team Focus: Gasperini Has Versatile Genoa Dreaming of Europe Gian Piero Gasperini is a calculating coach but something doesn’t add up. He is not a numbers man and it’s probably best not to get him started on statistics. “I can’t bear them,” he huffed in La Gazzetta dello Sport. “If I read them, I don’t understand how ...

Gasperini and the 'New' Inter

Gasperini and the 'New' Inter Gian Piero Gasperini's appointment to Inter has sparked a lot of headlines. Half of the headlines were about how he was Inter’s fifth choice, and the other half was about his 3-4-3 tactical approach. There is not much sense debating whether Gasperini was fifth, or fourth choice because that is...